By Frederick Sparks
The senseless tragedy in which 12 moviegoers were murdered and scores other injured at a screening of the new Batman film may have been enough to “halt” the presidential campaigns, but the predictable conversations about gun rights, gun control, and of course “God” march on. Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert blames the shooting on the fact that:
We have been at war with the very pillars, the very foundation of this country … and when … you know … what really gets me as a Christian, is to see the ongoing attacks on Judeo-Christian beliefs and then a senseless, crazy act of terror like this takes place.
You know, when people say, where was God in all of this? Well, you know, we don’t let … in fact we’ve threatened high school graduation participants that if they use God’s name that they’re going to be jailed….etc etc
This asshole apparently worships an asshole God who allows babies to get shot because He is so butthurt that His name isn’t said at high school graduations. Gohmert also repeats the standard canard that “if only the theatre patrons had guns”…because of course everyone with a gun is a good enough shot to take out an armed assailant in a dark theatre while chaos is breaking out, without hitting an innocent bystander.
On another note, Aurora has become a suburban destination for black Denver area residents and has one of the highest concentrations of African-Americans in the state of Colorado. An Aurora resident who met the alleged shooter James Holmes in a bar two weeks ago claims Holmes made “slightly racist statements” about rap music fans. Reports are that Holmes is not cooperating, however, so no motive has been determined.
My thoughts are with the victims and their families.